test resultat - which famous rockstar are you + några till

Which famous rock star are you?

Billie Joe Armstrong
Billie Joe Armstrong
You my friend are Mr.Armstrong.The lead singer and guitarist of Green DAy,the sweet and sexy guy from Oakland...
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

Rock lyrics and how well du you know them
Rock Lyrics and How Well You Know Them

Rock God
you know all the songs and there for you rock!!!
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

Which KISS meber are you most like
Which KISS Member are you most like?

Paul Stanley - The Starchild
Paul Stanley - The Starchild
Rock Star Extraordinaire. You're the flamboyant front man. The lady killer. For you, it's more about the music and making the audience a part of who you are. You give 100% to the fans, but especially the ladies. When you're on stage you belong to the fans, but when you're not, you're your own person.

Det får bli dom så länge
kanske kommer fler senare
nu ska jag fixa med tisdagstema


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